Hard Copy Color Proofs

Printed on premium photo paper, Swop Certified proofs can replicate, to a certain degree, what the printed product will look like. Colors may be inconsistent by a plus or minus 10% degree of accuracy. Proofs will show any transparency issues or font issues that may arise from improperly built PDF's. 

Hard Copy Proofs are printed on 1-sided material, for example, if you order an 8.5" x 11" 4/4 brochure, you will recieve 2 sheets printed 1 -sided.

Booklet Proofs - Ordering booklet proofs is easy! If you have a project that is a finished size of 8.5" x 11", 24 page self cover booklet, the correct selections would be (size) 8.5 x 11 Booklet and (numer of pages) 24 page.

Ready to create your product design?
To start, select the product size, preview the design guidelines, download the guidelines for reference, and proceed with the customization options.
Help template cannot be generated as one or both bleed sizes (height and width) are set to 0.
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