Postcards with Soft Touch Finish

Drive sales and get the word out about your brand with custom postcards. These handy items can be used for mail campaigns, street marketing, coupons, direct-mails and more. Bonus: Your customers and prospects can keep all your details in one convenient, portable package. So, create more buzz with versatile, affordable and effective custom postcards. The thicker the cardstock, the better the card holds up in general, whether handed out or mailed. But did you know heavier objects tend to fell more important compared to light ones? This principle applies to thicker, heavier cardstocks as well. Your recipients will feel the difference, especially when they contrast your postcards with thinner ones they get in the mail. It’s always a good idea to go with a thicker stock whenever your budget allows for it.


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Help template cannot be generated as one or both bleed sizes (height and width) are set to 0.
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Instant Price Quote

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2 Sided
16pt C2S
Soft Touch Finish
4 Round Corners 1/4"
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