Brochures/Flyers UV Coated

The most common order options are 11" x 8.5" before folding on 14  cover weight paper. Almost always, Brochures are printed full color on both sides (4/4). The most common folds are Tri-Folds, Z-Folds, and Half-Folds. Tri-Folds and Z-Folds give you 3 panels to display your information on each side. Half-Folds give you 2 panels on each side.

This brochure contains two panels with enough space for lengthy text or large images.

The trifold is folded twice to create three panels for a short, visual, and informative brochure.

This commonly used brochure has six printed pages on both sides.

Based on the selection of product size and additional option attributes, you can view and download the help template for the product.

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4/0 Full Color Front
4/4 Full Color Both Sides
Do Not Score or Fold
Score and Bi-Fold
Score and Tri-Fold
Score and Z-Fold
Total : Login For Pricing

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Estimated Delivery Date is calculated date by adding production days + shipping days. Weekends and Holidays are excluded.
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